
Nesh: We aim for high placements in all tournaments

APEX / News / 5 March 2021 — 15:00

Interview with Nesh

eu NAVI Apex Legends player, de Herman "Nesh" Kobrin shared his thoughts about making it to the ALGS Winter Circuit playoffs and thanked all the fans for their support. Recall that the team finished second in the ALGS Winter Circuit #3 - Europe.

You also start in the final stage in the last tournament of the winter circuit. Will that be a training ground against strong opponents or the priority lies in the highest placement possible?
Herman «Nesh» Kobrin
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We won't slow down, we will proceed to aim for high placements especially since they bring us ALGS points which are crucial for us for the Championship Tournament invites.

What can you say about the performance of the other teams? Who do you think will compete for two playoff slots at the next tournament?
Herman «Nesh» Kobrin
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I can't say much about the other teams and what problems they had to face this final since I didn't have time yet to analyze it. I expected ru 789 to be at the top again because they have been really consistent recently.

Nevertheless, it's hard to say who's going to make it to the top 2 next finals but if we talk about consistency then I would probably bet on ru Gambit and if ru 789 makes it through the qualifier stage then them too, otherwise I expect ua Luminosity Gaming because for some reason they always make it to the very end when there's no other option anymore.

It's too early to tell, but let's try that anyway. Name your main rivals in the fight for a place in World Championship.
Herman «Nesh» Kobrin
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Our enemies are any team that loots on one of our good flex spots since we don't have our own on this map yet. So eu COOLER Esports, ua Luminosity Gaming and ru Gambit Esports are dangerous for us for example because they are not confirmed in playoffs yet.

And as usual, a few words to the Natus Vincere fans?
Herman «Nesh» Kobrin
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My teammates and I would like to thank everybody who's been supporting us through our new journey. As I said many times - it's just a matter of time until we start working as a team and show what we are capable of. Without your consistent support - we wouldn't have done it, thank you!

The next big tournament for eu Natus Vincere (ALGS Winter Circuit #4) will take place on March 5-7. Our guys will start in the final stage, which starts on March 7th at 19:00 CET. #navination