
Interview with cYpheR after second place at QPL: «I'll work harder»

Quake / News / 29 April 2021 — 16:30

cYpheR - on Quake Pro League, rapha, and upcoming plans

by Alexei "cYpheR" Yanushevsky took second place in the second stage of the second season of Quake Pro League. We talked to him about the recent tournament, the meta in Quake Champions, and plans for the near future.

Despite some issues in the regular season, you did great in the second finals. Tell us how you managed to rebuild your game in such a short period of time.
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I think when you work the long haul, all the defeats and all the wins take on a slightly different shape. I didn't feel too bad about losing in the regular season, because I knew that every negative thought would set me back. Discipline and sports helped me keep my spirits up and keep training on a wave of confidence.

There are nine games in three days. How difficult is it to show your best game in every game with so many of them?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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It's hard to get on the track, the first games especially feel creaky, but once everything starts rolling you don't notice the number of games. You feel tired, but the adrenaline damps everything else.

Should there be a one-map advantage in the finals for making it from the upper bracket? Is this adequate incentive?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I'm more in favor of group stages, then playoffs with a Single Elimination bracket, and a best of 5 final. In this format, giving up one map is silly, because the upper bracket finalist deserves it.

Which of your opponents, besides us rapha, surprised you? What do you think you lacked in the match against it RAISY?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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Against it RAISY, I didn't win enough coin to keep him from picking Clutch. I lacked patience and composure on the third map. Had I played with more ease and confidence - maybe the score would have been in my favor, but it turned out as it did... I drew conclusions for the future. it VengeurR wasn't so much a surprise, just kudos to the guy for the way he plays.

What can you tell us about ar Maxter and br nosfa? Both players made it into the top 8 and put up a good fight against their opponents.
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I don't want to belittle their accomplishments, tough guys and tough players. But they forced everyone else to play on high pings. They are used to playing games with high pings, while for others it's a bit harder for objective reasons.

Of course, it's worth mentioning the championship final. At the end of the match, you called us rapha a beast. Will there be a player who can take over the top of the Quake Pro League food chain in the near future?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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That would be me, if you believe in me of course :)

Can you now say what went wrong in the grand final of the tournament? Was it due to fatigue? Do you think it would have been a different result on a different day?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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In a nutshell: I was tired, but not as tired as people might think. When I played, I tried my best, and I played many moments to the best of my ability. There is just a certain mindset in the game against us rapha and, of course, ping problems. I would really like to face him at the LAN. He is very much abusive and knows the nuances of all the micro-internet bugs and lags on the servers, but I do not think he is an invincible genius. I think I have all the qualities to beat him at QuakeCon.

What aspects of your game will you be working on in the near future?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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It is important to work on confidence, it is important to study all servers in the game and how to feel confident in all of them at all times. On the Central server, I play my best game, on other servers it gets difficult, I will have to figure it out. In any case, I will spend the near future playing sports, plus I need a vacation by the sea, but it's hard to do.

Summing up the results of the second stage, are you able to say that you are satisfied with your results? Or is it only the first place that would be considered good for any athlete?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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How many people have buried my career, in fact, a lot of people glorify me in one way or another. One day no one has an interest in me and I get trolled, the next day those same people respect me. Where were you, when I couldn't take a joke :)

I am 100% satisfied. I worked hard and it was not easy, I will work even harder to try to win.

What are your thoughts on the Challenger League players? Why do you think that only one of them managed to win a place in the Quake Pro League?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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Because the experience and development speed that you get in the League cannot be replaced by regular training. Every player in the Quake Pro League really deserves a place in it.

The next stage starts on May 1st. Almost no time to rest? Perhaps the competition organizers should have waited at least two weeks?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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Well, in order to be on schedule, that's how it must be done. I personally got myself a 2 week weekend, so you'll be able to see my first game somewhere in the 20s of May :)

Do you have any plans for the May holidays? Or will you spend all your free time preparing for the games?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I wanted to go to the seaside, but plans have changed drastically due to family circumstances. I will rest my body and soul as much as I can, I will start training somewhere at the start of May.

When it comes to relaxing, which would you rather have, active or passive? Give us some examples!
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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It's been so long since I went on vacation, I'll tell you: I just want the sea and the sun, and everything else does not matter :)

Which player do you think will be a serious contender in the third stage in the European region?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I think ru COOLLERZ will return to his top form, it RAISY, as usual, it VengeurR is at the top, pl  Av3k is also beginning to train hard and there is no playing around with him. Generally, in the European region, anyone can beat anyone. It's really sweaty.

What can you say about the state of the game itself? Are any of the characters too strong at the moment?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I think the balance has been reached. In general, there is a certain meta, it is always hard against Strogg, Sorlag, Athena, Clutch, but everyone is different.

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If you were offered to buff or nerf something right now, what changes would you make to the game?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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Probably would have removed such an obvious hit reg on Slash. Poor girl takes too much unfair damage, it is hard to hit Sorlag, even though he's a tank. It's hard to tell, it's the little things. Overall, everything is on a decent level.

Do you follow any other esports disciplines? Have you watched any major tournaments recently?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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Been very busy with my own stuff lately, haven't been able to watch much. For the most part, I'm always up to date on all major esports events, constantly following our CS roster, worrying about the dota roster and the controversy surrounding it. Juniors are interesting to watch, ru m0NESY especially. Of course, I know what's going on in Apex. And there is Valorant and Fortnite as well. I love esports in general.

What about new games or movies? Would you recommend something to the fans?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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I'm a big fan of Marvel and DC comic book adaptations. Anything related to them, I recommend. I like the Russian series "Kitchen" :)

Lastly, can you say a few words to the fans who supported you both on the Russian and English broadcasts?
byAlexei «cYpheR» Yanushevsky
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First of all, thank you us  NAVI, and to everyone who interacts with me there. Thank you so much for supporting me, despite all the obvious reasons not to. It gives me great motivation and confidence in what I am doing. Of course, to all those who have and will continue to root for me, without you it would be bluntly uninteresting and unnecessary. It's only the viewers that make a particular game really interesting. 

CYPHER CYPHER CYPHER — It's only spectators that make a particular game really interesting.