
EPG PUBG CIS Masters: day 1 recap

PUBG / News / 12 July 2021 — 21:40

NAVI in seventh place

The first day of EPG PUBG CIS Masters online competition is over. We summarize the results in this article.

Match schedule
Match # Map Place Kills
1 Erangel 6 7
2 Erangel 15 0
3 Miramar 10 7
4 Miramar 2 6

ru NAVI didn't get off to a great start on Day 1, adding 6th, 15th, and 10th places to the team's score. The final Miramar, on the other hand, made the fans excited! In the final minutes of the match, our squad crushed zz and was left to face against kz We Live Again. ru NAVI did everything they could to win, but the opponent managed to catch our team. The result was 2nd place.

Kills and matches won (after 1 / 4 days)
Place Teams Kills Matches won
1   kz We live again 31 1
2   zz 22 1
3   zz zyabliki 22 1
4   ru Mutiny 15 1
5   ru DiNG 24 0
6   ru QuestionMark 22 0
7   ru NAVI 20 0
8   zz fullfocuzz 13 0
9   ru AfterAlt 12 0
10   zz 44 11 0
11   zz ToxicPlayers 10 0
12   zz LULW 9 0
13   zz NOWAY 9 0
14   zz EXhalatioN 8 0
15   zz PLATOON 6 0
16   zz KRAN4IKI 2 0

We are sure that tomorrow our guys will please us with victories. Don't miss the start at 18:00 CEST! #ObsessedWe