
World Series of Warzone: Recrent is first among captains!

CoD: Warzone / News / 4 August 2021 — 21:15

Decent result from Recrent!

The $300,000 tournament, World Series of Warzone came to its end. ua NAVI content creator ru Dmitry "Recrent" Osintsev was one of the participants. ru Recrent took first place in the captain's standings and earned $ 20,000!

The championship had unusual rules. The team captains ru Recrent, it Moonryde, fr Gotaga, gb IMAngelikaa and gb Emzy chose 9 squad leaders who played in the tournament as part of their teams. There were also two categories: the team standings and the captain's standings. The latter included all the squad points chosen by the captains.

A total of six maps were played. Based on their results, Recrent took first place in the captain's standings, scoring 572 points! Dmitry's team beat his closest pursuer, fr Gotaga by 30.5 points.

Prize pool distribution between captains:

1st  place — ru Recrent — $ 20 000;
2nd place — fr Gotaga — $ 15 000;
3rd place — gb IMAngelikaa — $ 13 000;
4th place — gb Emzy — $ 12 000;
5th place — it Moonryde — $ 10 000.

Congratulations to ru Recrent and his team for a great performance at the tournament! #ObsessedWe