
WePlay Academy League Season 2: vs BIG Academy

CS2 / News / 2 October 2021 — 17:04

The match will start at 19:30 CEST

Today in the final of the lower bracket of WePlay Academy League Season 2 group A, ua NAVI Junior will again meet de BIG Academy. The format of the match is best of 3.

Recall that this will be the second meeting between the teams in the tournament. In the first match, ua NAVI Junior turned out to be stronger, defeating de BIG Academy on Mirage and Dust 2 with a score of 16:8.

Both teams guaranteed themselves a place at least in the last chance group. In the grand final of the competition, the group will play for a ticket to the LAN final, where se Young Ninjas are waiting for the opponent.

Will the de BIG youth team be able to get revenge on ua NAVI Junior? We'll find out at 19:30 CEST, come to the broadcast! #ObsessedWe

WePlay Academy League (BO3)
October 2 at 19:30 (CEST)
NAVI Junior
  • Aunkere
  • m0NESY
  • fear
  • headt1ck
  • flamie
      BIG Academy
  • glaVed
  • NIKZEj
  • Aqua
  • prosus
  • pr1metapz
