
Kouhia: “I would like to see a complete meta shift!”

APEX / News / 16 October 2021 — 08:00

Interview with Kouhia

Before the start of the first split of the , fi Lauri “Kouhia Kouhi shared his opinion about the opponents at the tournament, rated the meta, and talked about what he did in the offseason.

Soon you will take part in the first split of the ALGS Pro League. What do you think of the new Double Round-Robin format?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

I'm a really big fan of the new format, we have played it before and this format rewards consistency.

Any thoughts on your opponents? Which of them would you consider as favorites of the upcoming tournament?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

There's been a lot of roster shuffles so it's really hard to say who's going to do good or bad. If I had to choose a favorite it would be pt New Esports or se Kungarna, of course, if I can't say eu NAVI :)

And what can you say about the teams that went through qualifiers? Which of them would be the most dangerous?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

There were actually a lot of good teams who made it through qualifiers and they are just as scary as invited teams. Dangerous teams would be ru Major Pushers, eu Clean and fi Top Dogs.

A few words on the current Apex Legends meta. What do you like about it and what do you want to change?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

I like that there isn't that much “ability legends’’ action and I hope that continues. About Valkyrie meta right now I like that valk ults works like a safety net if you have played poorly early game you can just ult to the end zone and hope for the best.

What about the characters? Which of them need buffs at the moment? Who would you nerf?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

I would like to see a complete meta shift, by that I mean something where there isn't a Wraith or Octane in the team comp. Legends I would buff Pathfinder / Wattson / Mirage and I would nerf Valkyrie and Crypto.

Who would you like to see as the next legend in the game? What kind of skill sets would you like to see?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

I would like to see a defensive character with some movement as well.

Somewhat similar question regarding weapons. What changes would you like to see at the moment?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

I think everyone agrees with me if I say L-star needs a nerf. P.S. Buff Wingman.

You recently said that even on the professional scene there are a lot of cheaters. How are the developers supposed to deal with this problem?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

We don't really know how they deal with it but I really hope that it won't be an issue in Pro League.

For a while, there were no major tournaments within the professional scene. What did you do in your spare time?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

Spent some time with my girlfriend and in my summer cabin.

Maybe you've played some single-player games? Or was there no time for such games?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

I don't really enjoy playing single-player games, there needs to be some sort of competing so make me interested :)

You streamed a couple of times playing Diablo 2. What are your thoughts on the remaster?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

20 year old game with new graphics. 7/10, would recommend for a nostalgic trip.

You've also played World of Warcraft. Is it still your favorite MMO? Or do you play other games of that genre?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi

WoW is my favorite MMO. I have tried New World but it wasn't really for me.

Finally, a few words to eu NAVI fans?
Lauri Kouhia Kouhi
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