
Alya on PSL Winter Challenge results and preparation for PGC 2021

PUBG / News / 29 October 2021 — 14:30

Alya: "The goal at the PGC is to show the best possible result."

In an interview, ru Alexandr "alya" Pirogov summed up ru NAVI's performance at the PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge and talked about the preparation for the main tournament of the year PUBG Global Championship 2021.

First of all, let’s talk about the PSL, the start of your journey. Why were you guys unable to make it to the finals from the upper bracket?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. Because after the bootcamp we had a week off from team practices, we did not have time to immediately get into the "groove".
What happened in the finals? You guys ranked mostly in the top 10 and ended up in 15th place at the PSL.
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. We practiced an overly aggressive playstyle, which turned out not to work too well in this lobby, plus we didn't have time to get back in shape in terms of our individual aspect.
Share with us what this tournament meant for you. Was it like extra practice or were you aiming for the top 3, but something went wrong?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. Of course, we wanted to win the tournament as it would have been a definite "morale booster" before the global championship, but it is what it is.

Between your matches and practices, did you have time to watch The International? Who were you rooting for?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. I watched the whole International, cheering first of all for the eu OG, and then for the CIS teams.
What emotions did you experience when you found out that ru Team Spirit was the champion?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. It's was a shock for me, the guys are unreal! I think that they showed such a result because of the excellent psychological preparation.
You said you used to play Dota 2 unprofessionally. Be honest, did you launch it after TI10? :)
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. No, it's more interesting to watch than to play.
In November, the world's strongest PUBG players will also face their final championship of the season. What is the ru NAVI's minimum goal for PGC 2021?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. The task at the PGC is to show our best performance and enjoy the game.
What is the preparation? Another bootcamp or practicing from home?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. Full preparation for the teams, working out all the strategies, improving individual and team form. Two weeks of intensive training while we are quarantined, and daily official scrims.

  2. Mellman, Qwizzy, alya, ALREIN (coach), xmpl
Who do you see as your most dangerous opponent at PGC 2021?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. There cannot be any non-dangerous opponents at the global championship, everyone is strong and deserves to be there.
We remember from past championships that teams from Asia don't spare anyone. Can they be dealt with?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. Of course, they can be dealt with, there are no invincible people!
What would you change in the PUBG mechanics before PGC? Maybe nerf some weapons?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. Right now I'm happy with everything in the game, just need a little more FPS. :)
Do you play any single-player games? Can you recommend anything to your fans?
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. That will be hard to do since I don't play anything but PUBG.
And a few words to those who root for ru NAVI PUBG!
ruAlexandr «alya» Pirogov
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  1. Keep an eye on us at the global championship, we'll show you what we can do!

PUBG Global Championship 2021 will take place from November 19th to December 19th in Incheon, South Korea. 32 teams from around the world will compete for the title of the strongest in the world, as well as for $ 2,000,000. #ObsessedWe