
GESC: Thailand qualifiers. Against Vega Squadron!

Dota 2 / News / 1 April 2018 — 09:49

April 1st, 14:00 CET.

Today ua NAVI.GG.BET is to play at least one series at GESC: Thailand qualifiers. The first rival will be ru Vega Squadron: the beginning of this battle is scheduled for 14:00 CET, its format is best of 3.

These opponents met a couple of days ago during the same qualifiers: the fight turned out to be tense, but ua Natus Vincere was able to overpower the opponent. Today's match will be the elimination series: the loser leaves the qualification, and the winner goes to the final, where the players of ru Team Spirit already await their opponent.

We are sure that our guys will be able to repeat the positive result, and subsequently win the slot in the final part of GESC: Thailand! Join today's broadcast and cheer for ua NAVI! #gonavi

14:00 CET

best of 3


  • Crystallize
  • Dendi
  • GeneRaL
  • Lil
  • LeBron

Vega Squadron
  • Palantimos
  • Blizzy
  • Undershock
  • CeMaTheSlayeR
  • Zayac