
Cheer for Spirit at IEM Katowice 2024. Day 1

SC2 / News / 8 February 2024 — 12:00

Today, the group stage of the IEM Katowice 2024 tournament begins for NAVI`s StarCraft II player Piotr "Spirit" Walukiewicz. On the first day, he will face Scarlett (Shopify Rebellion) and HeRoMaRinE (MOUZ). The debut match is scheduled to start at 12:00 CET, join in and watch!

Date and Time Match Details
12:00 CET plNAVI.Spirit [1:2] caSR.Scarlett Match Page
13:00 CET plNAVI.Spirit [1:2] deMOUZ.HeRoMaRinE Match Page

As the tournament gets underway, here's a look back at some of the key moments in previous matches. In the past year, Spirit and Scarlett have only competed against each other one time - in the WardiTV Spring Championship 2023, where Piotr unfortunately lost 1-3.

The situation with HeRoMaRinE, however, looks more optimistic: in 2023, there were 19 matches between the players, of which Spirit won 12 times, thus demonstrating his excellent form. The statistics - 1 : 1 in series and 4 : 2 in maps - are also on the side of the NAVI player this year.

Player Race Matches Maps
krVitality Solar Zerg 2-0 4-1
deMOUZ HeRoMaRinE Terran 2-0 4-1
caShopify Scarlett Zerg 1-1 3-3
krCloud9 GuMiho Terran 1-1 2-3
plNAVI Spirit Zerg 0-2 2-4
caBASILISK trigger Protoss 0-2 1-4

Players must finish in the top three of their group to qualify for the playoffs of the IEM Katowice 2024. You can find more detailed information about the tournament by clicking on the link.

IEM Katowice 2024
StarCraft II
7 February 2024 - 8 February 2024
Katowice, Poland