
We are looking for a coach for NAVI Youth CS2 team

NAVI / News / 14 May 2024 — 17:00

NAVI esports club has an open vacancy for NAVI Youth CS2 team coach. His main task will be to work with young and promising players from Europe and Ukraine, who will eventually join our youth roster.

For this position, we seek a candidate with a deep understanding of the discipline, who already has coaching experience with one of the top 200 teams or a former pro player with in-game leadership skills.

A mandatory requirement is a B2+ level of English and the ability to travel to European countries for bootcamps.


Follow the link above and fill out the application form. Don't miss the opportunity to become part of NAVI and pass on your many years of experience to young and talented players who have a chance to one day rise to the ranks of our best graduates at the Tier 1 level.