NAVI takes 3rd-4th place at EPL S17
Natus Vincere finished their journey at ESL Pro League Season 17 finishing 3rd-4th after losing to Faze (1 : 2). The tournament was full of successes and failures for the team, highlighted in this coverage.
Group D shouldn't have been a problem, but as often happens, not everything works out as planned. In the opening match against the underdog forze our team won on the opponent's map, but later failed on their own peak. As a result, lost the meeting with a score of (1 : 2).
Despite everything, Group D remained a fairly easy test for Born to Win, as they proved it with three consecutive victories. The matches against Astralis (2 : 1) and Rare Atom (2 : 1) were problematic, but our guys are always one step ahead. The best encounter in the group stage was against Spirit. NAVI completely controlled the game on both maps and easily reached the play-offs through the lower bracket (2 : 0).
The winning streak extended into the next stage. If anyone had doubted our team's level after the match against 00NATION (16 : 14 Ancient, 8 : 16 Overpass, 16 : 4 Mirage), the following matches didn't allow that to happen. Against Outsiders (2 : 0) and Heroic (2 : 0) Born to Win triumphed twice.
Faze was the last opponent before the final for NAVI. The team that remains the main candidate for the Intel Grand Slam of the fourth season was highly motivated and handled the pressure, taking the victory (1 : 2). Our team earned $ 40,000 and will soon return to the server as part of the BLAST.tv Paris Major 2023 Europe RMR A in a match against Into the Breach.
Stay tuned and cheer for NAVI! #ObsessedWe