
The International 2019 All-Star Match

Dota 2 / News / 23 August 2019 — 10:39

The game starts at 13:00 CEST

Today, ru Akbar "SoNNeiKo" Butaev will play in a show match at The International 2019 tournament. The captain of ua NAVI.GG.BET will fight with the rest of the stars of the championship.

THis is going to be anAll Random Death Matcheahc player gets a random hero that changes after death. There cannot be more than one player from the same team among participants.

ru SoNNeikO's teammates are the following players: ru RAMZES666, pk SumaiL, cn Dy and se miCKE. The opponents will be jo Miracle-, ph Tims, cn Somnus丶Mpl Nisha and se pieliedie. As you can see from the lineups, we will have a very interesting fight!

The International 2019
August 23, 13:00 CEST
Team Radiant
  • RAMZES666
  • SumaiL
  • miCKe
  • Dy
  • SoNNeikO

Team Dire
  • Somnus丶M
  • Miracle-
  • Tims
  • Nisha
  • pieliedie